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CONVERTING Hard Copies to Digital IP

Keeping so much paper costs you twice: you pay to store it, and it costs you time when the information you need isn't available when you need it. Converting that information in an efficient, organized fashion is the first step to digitally transforming your enterprise.

We know your files are precious and we take great care to provide clients with a orderly, cost-effective, and adaptable end-to-end backfile conversion solution. Take a look at how we make this happen for you! Download Brochure: Digital Transformation Services Overview


1. Prep & Ship

Chain-of-Custody Throughout

Right from the start, we work directly with you to organize, catalog, and transport your documents to one of our Canon Solutions America DX Centers. We monitor the chain-of-custody of your documents throughout the transporation process.

Prep and Ship

Collect all the documents.

Prep and Ship

Provide guidance on how documents should be packed and cataloged for transport.

Prep and Ship

Create a manifest of everything being entrusted to our team.

Prep and Ship

Transport to our DX Center.

2. Intake

Verify and Validate

When your documents arrive at one of our DX facilities, the delivery is received by a member of our DX Services team and moved into a limited-access processing area. Only members of our team and site security personnel have access to this part of the facility. Our team then checks the shipment against the manifest and we immediately notify you of receipt.

Change Execution

Shipment received at our facility via secure transport.

Change Execution

Documents moved to limited-access area for validation.

Change Execution

Team member validates against manifest and notifies client of receipt.

3. Processing

Preparing, Scanning, and Organizing

Before we start scanning, it's important that we review pages to be scanned and remove staples or clips, note any special conditions, and arrange for scanning appropriately. We then do an initial scan and review to make sure the images are high quality, and finally index the documents to maximize search and retrieval.

Change Execution

Prepare documents for scanning.

Change Execution

Scan documents.

Change Execution

Review and enhance images.

Change Execution

Index scanned images.

4. Storage and Retrieval

Bringing Your Digital IP to You

The last step begins with our team validating that your newly digitized information is easily accessible in the cloud. We deliver the digitized content to you via the agreed-upon repository, and finally the physical files are processed according to your desired disposition, whether it be long-term storage or shredding.

Change Execution

Validate accessibility.

Change Execution

Deliver digitized files to repository.

Change Execution

Process physical files according to agreed-upon disposition.

Keeping Your IP Safe and Secure


Our Priority is to Securely and Accurately Handle Your Organization's Information

Our Digitization Services Centers implement security related procedures to help maintain data privacy and security.


Change Execution

1. Secure Access

  • Secured facilities.
  • Keycard-only access.


2. Secure Site

  • Security cameras.
  • No-internet facilities.


3. Secure Staff

  • No outside technology on-premises.
  • Employee background checks.

Discover How Canon Solutions America Can Help Drive Your Digital Transformation Initiatives!

Register for a free consultation.


